
What does energy healing look like?



Chad Fisher

Reiki Master Teacher, Shaman, Quantum Healer

Energy healing is paramount for the growth of the human experience and is needed to help us evolve more so now than ever before as a species. Energy healing consists of many modalities that can look different in thousands of ways. However, one thing remains consistent and it is the vibration changes that occur during this healing.

Everything on this planet is vibration. This includes our …

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My most powerful ayahuasca session

If you have read any of my other material on my ayahuasca ceremonies, then you already know that I have had profound ceremonies that already changed the core of my energetic workup. That being said, this particular ceremony was about my individual healing on a level that I have never experienced. This ceremony was so difficult for me because I had to go back and face some really hard times in my life. I am going to disclose some information that I was not ready to tell people when I came back fr…

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My ayahuasca ego death


During my month long dieta in the jungle of Peru I did 9 ayahuasca sessions. During my third ayahuasca session I had what is commonly known as "the ego death". Ayahuasca is also known as the vine of death for this very reason. I am going to try to explain how impactful this experience was for me.

This session started like all the others. I walked into the Maloka and found my mat. This night there were 9 of us doing ayahuasca and everyone is on a different path of their individual journe…

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My first Ayahuasca experience in Peru


I remember watching a documentary a year prior on ayahuasca and I thought to myself then that I would some day have that same experience. It was a knowing that I can't explain at that time and now that day is here. How did this all happen, I am so far away from home. I am not sure what to expect or what to even feel as I lay in this hut trying to prepare for what is about to become of my body, mind and soul.

I think I am ready as I hear the jungle loudly creating music to my ears. its 5pm …

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My hero’s journey

heros journey

I’m soon to embark on my own hero’s journey to Peru (June 2 to the 26th). I will spend the first 14-days in isolation doing the traditional rite of passage called the “dieta” while attending ayahuasca ceremonies at night with my Shaman and guide Reshonka. Then the next 7 days going to Machu Picchu and other sacred sites .

Why would anyone do this, honestly I’m still asking myself that. I know like I know like I know that I have to go, its a calling that only few will understand, hell I’m …

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I survived the odds of birth in ways that astound me. As I ponder my life and all the ups and downs I have experienced, one aspect is a general theme for me – PROTECTION. Protection of and for myself no matter the cost.

I knew I had to keep myself alive as I had a greater purpose but had no idea what that meant for me. Society, family or friends told me what they believed and I made a lot of those beliefs mine.

I knew deep within myself that I had to protect me to eventually water…

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A window into my first healing session and why it left me terrified


The things people don’t talk about are the things that shaped me. My sexual abuse, my dead parents, my gayness and going to hell in a hand basket, my internal fight with religious views, my self-esteem issues and yes men have them too, my inherit need to always please everyone except myself. How dare I try to better myself when others keep me stuck, stuck in my own shit because if I change that means their version of me has to change too and the release of that old person was terrifying to me.…

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Laws of the Universe - Law of Receiving


I’m going to try to make this short and to the point, but it probably won’t be.

To simply put this Law in laymen’s terms, you only get what you put out. So, what the hell does that mean? Well, it’s like this, if you are putting out the feeling of love and joy, you will be given that feeling back to you, if you put out the feeling of sadness and hate, you will get that feeling back to you, If you put out lack of money, or lack of anything you get that “lack of” in your reality.

This is …

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Laws of the Universe - The Law of Attraction



Precursor: this is a long one. I’m sorry I tried to make it shorter but this shit is so important.

I also want to give a huge shout out to Bob Proctor for making this possible and teaching me so much!!!!

This Law is the most common law and known by most people because of the help of books and movies like The Secret, but there is so much more to this law and why people give up so quickly, myself included. The Law of Attraction can also be called the Law of Vibr…

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Laws of the Universe - Law of Supply


Law of Supply is easy to understand in concept but, for me anyway, one of the hardest Laws to understand. I question everything, so therefore; how can our world have so many people in “lack off,” it’s not their fault, maybe it’s a bad situation or that’s all they know. I grew up with two parents that worked their asses off to support me and my brother. If I would have said to my mom and dad some years ago when they will still alive “well, there is enough money and stuff for everyone, you j…

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